
December 16, 2009, 5:34 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Quite possibly one of the prettiest skins I’ve ever owned. I don’t typically take nude shots but somehow this skin made me want to.


Girls will be girls in boy clothes.
December 16, 2009, 4:43 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I love wearing boy clothing especially really well done boy clothing! Meriken Co. will dress up your man and if you’re feeling the urge to play twins you can snatch a few things for yourself as well <3 Yaszi Mornington creates a balanced line of fun and functional clothing. Lately, I've noticed he has been creating more things for women but even if he didn't I still go shopping for myself at his store! Stop by Meriken Co. to check out the pretty things below.

All the pieces are from Meriken Co. with the exception of the shoes from !BF!, the Tres Blah pearl blouse and the black polo from GLAM.

Keep an eye out for this cute sweater which will be released soon in tons of colors, I heart!
